Autoblog 5.0

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Why Don’t Macs Get Viruses? ~ LockerGnome Net Patrol

Why Don’t Macs Get Viruses? ~ LockerGnome Net Patrol: "his nasty piece of malware had unfettered access to the root of any Mac where it was installed. With this access, it connected systems to a botnet that could be used in DOS (Denial of Service) attacks against the botnet operator’s targets.

In 2007, a trojan horse (OSX.RSPlug.A) made the rounds on porn sites by tricking users in to installing it by claiming it was a required codec to watch videos embedded on the site. This trojan worked by changing the user’s DNS settings in a way that pointed them to malicious phishing sites that look and act a lot like genuine sites such as those hosted by banks and other online services. By doing so, they effectively steal your login information and gain access to whatever account it is you’re logging into."

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