Autoblog 5.0

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Road Not Taken -

The Road Not Taken - "rich network of Washington interest groups adept at arousing elderly donors and attracting rich lobbying contracts. For example, Grover Norquist of Americans for Tax Reform has been instrumental in every recent G.O.P. setback. He was a Newt Gingrich strategist in the 1990s, a major Jack Abramoff companion in the 2000s and he enforced the no-compromise orthodoxy that binds the party today."

Somalis dying in world's worst famine in 20 years -

Somalis dying in world's worst famine in 20 years - "Tens of thousands of Somalis are feared dead in the world's worst famine in a generation, the U.N. said Wednesday, a crisis so severe that the United States is loosening rules meant to prevent emergency funds from falling into the hands of al-Qaida-linked militants.

Exhausted, rail-thin women are stumbling into refugee camps in Kenya and Ethiopia with dead babies and bleeding feet, having left weaker family members behind along the way."

The Associated Press: Murdoch-owned media rate their boss

The Associated Press: Murdoch-owned media rate their boss: "The Guardian suggested that the Murdochs had been heavily coached by public relations experts in the art of apology; another column on page 3 said Rupert Murdoch 'is as full of contrition as a frog is full of toothpaste.'
The farcical sight of a protester attempting to smear Murdoch with foam at a time when lawmakers were questioning Murdoch and his son, James, dominated news coverage and diverted attention, at least in the short term, from the substance of the inquiry."

The Road Not Taken -

The Road Not Taken - "The Permanent Campaigners. For many legislators, the purpose of being in Congress is not to pass laws. It’s to create clear contrasts you can take into the next election campaign. It’s not to take responsibility for the state of the country and make it better. It’s to pass responsibility onto the other party and force them to take as many difficult votes as possible.

All of these groups share the same mentality. They do not see politics as the art of the possible."

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Microsft paying out $250k for info on Rustock botnet operators

Microsft paying out $250k for info on Rustock botnet operators: "Microsoft is going for the botnet’s throat and hoping that you can help out. The company is offering a monetary award for any information that leads to the identification, arrest and criminal conviction of those responsible for controlling this botnet. The maximum reward amount: $250,000 USD.

At the height of its power the monstrous Rustock botnet had enslaved a sizable number of computers around the world as part of its spam force and had the capacity to send out 30 billion spam emails daily."

Sunday, July 17, 2011

PRWeb Online Visibility

PRWeb Online Visibility: "Earn cost-effective visibility fast on search engines
Get seen with placement on sites like Yahoo! News
Reach 30,000 journalists and bloggers and 250,000 PRWeb subscribers
Nearly every sale in some way, shape or form is attributable to my PRWeb new releases
Barbara Kantor, Vedante"

Saturday, July 16, 2011

What Really Fuels These Big Money Valuations For The Tech Companies.

I suppose its something I have truly begun to wonder about. Here the only news that constantly gets thrown in our faces is about the global economic collapse. However for these mega companies and their incredible valuations for these huge IPO's males one bound to question, how do these companies do it?

Are the VC's just so eager to sink money into to get these companies that may be initially no more than a novel idea, intelectual propert, from IP to Ipo. 

July 15th, 2011

The Endless Bubble Debate: Kedrosky Vs. Wadhwa

With valuations for tech companies going through the roof from Facebook on down to Dropbox, the endless bubble debate sees no endPaul Kedrosky and Vivek Wadhwa recently got into it onBloomberg West TV.
Professor Wadhwa thinks it will all end badly with Grandma losing her piggy bank. Kedrosky points out that bubbles usually occur at the tail end of a market run-up, and he predicts we have at least a good 4 to 5 years left for this one. 

Yelp CEO Jeremy Stoppelman, he always likes to point out how many reviews there are on Yelp. It’s a point of pride and competitive differentiation. Even Google Places, whichborrows liberally from Yelp reviews, seems to think so.
Today, Yelp crossed 20 million reviews, up from 10 million in March, 2010 (and 17 million last April). 
The reviews bring in the visitors, and visitor growth tracks pretty closely with the growth in reviews. Yelp hit 53 million visitors in June, according to its own stats. → Read More

Editors Note: Okay Erick, you pulled me in, lets move forward with this!

Publishers Note: Yes! Everyone wants to hear what everyone has to say! Have you been on Yelp yet,?

Editor: No, but I am going to make a point to find out. When ever that many users are contributing this going to be part of the whole Paradigm-Shift Info scene we have been trying to unravel.

Publisher: Call me after after you finish this okay?

Editor: Seriously, you mean call, as in the phone?

Publisher: Lol, just give me a call?

Editor: Are we going to leave all this stuff, in the post?

Publisher: That depends on how many words this comes out to.

It took about 6 years for Yelp to get to 20 million reviews. Yelp was founded in 2004, and it took two and a half years to get to its first million reviews (in May, 2007). Then it took roughly another three years to get to 10 million (March, 2010), and then added this last 10 million in a year and a quarter.
Yelp focusses so much on reviews, and trying to get quality user reviews, because everything else can be replicated. With so many places databases popping up, creating a directory of local businesses is easier than ever, but Yelp has always been about the user reviews as a sorting mechanism to find the best places nearby.
Stoppelman is so protective of Yelp’s reviews that he still won’t allow mobile users to upload reviews from their phones because he wants them to be well thought-out. 
 Editors Note: I don't know how may words this come out to, I'm using BlogSpot not WordPress. Personally I never got into doing all kinds of writing on the hand held or smart phones. Yet it sounds like this may be a product used by the smart phone set. Every where you look people are texting. I just find it difficult with the tiny keyboards.

The thing I can see if they are reviewing products. say restaurants than if the reviews are bad, then how will they will sell it to the advertisers?


Is there a future for the Url Shortening Companies?

URL shorteners are dead. Long live URL shorteners!
By Jonathan in

Long Live Companies Like Tinyurl or

Editors Note: is a company that shortens long links which are often based on the title of a given written piece. They have a number of different uses, which we will discuss on one of affiliated blogs. However the value of url shorteners like
became very popular with daily users because Twitter users could only say what they had to say in 140 characters, and including links, became the popular way to do what everyone on the web wants to do, which of course is drive web traffic. has an Alexa Toolbar rating of 808. This means that out of an estimated nearly 1 Billion websites (finding this actual statistic is elusive even for the most technical) that there are only 807 websites that get more traffic than is another such link shortener, which also tracks link. A article published in stated:

Assuming sold 20 percent of its shares to its new investors (the O’Reilly Alpha Tech Fund, Mitch Kapor, and Howard Lindzon), that would imply an $8 million pre-money valuation ($10 million post-money). Its market share of shortened links, as calculated by Tweetmeme, is only 13 percent. The biggest URL shortner out there is actually TinyURL, which commands a 75 percent share. So by that metric, if is worth $8 million, TinyURL should be worth at least $46

If Is Worth $8 Million, TinyURL Is Worth At Least $46 Million

That article however was published in March 2009. I wonder what actual financial affect the latest news about Twitter below, will have on these companies.

Last week, 364 days after first announcing their link wrapping service, Twitter started rolling out automatic URL shortening on URL shorteners existed long before Twitter and will continue to exist, but this move by Twitter means the need to shrink links will no longer be mainstream in the way it has become over the last few years.
While this may be the end of consumer-facing URL shorteners as we know them, it’s a key part of Twitter’s efforts to become more approachable to mainstream users and build a bigger, more engaged audience. Achieving those goals will make Twitter even more valuable to publishers and marketers, for whom it will be that much more important to understand how Twitter drives traffic and ultimately revenues. 

  1.  If lots of people are getting hacked, phished, or otherwise scammed from clicking on links in Twitter, they’ll stop clicking.
  2. The reason Twitter doesn’t talk about is that they need the data. Facebook and Google collect information on every click out from their sites, but before Twitter knew nothing about where they were sending their users. Knowing not just what content is being shared but also knowing what content is being clicked is essential to Twitter’s ability to serve their marketer customers in the long-term.

 Courtesy of

Jonathan is a co-founder of and the one who deals with all things not code. Before, he spent 4 years at Yahoo! in various roles across corporate development, business operations, and product management. Jonathan blogs (infrequently) on his eponymous website and has a full CV on LinkedIn.

The Article Title linked below is from Jonathan's Website:

The streaming music business is dead, long live the 

streaming music business

Editors Note: Where have I seen a title like that before. 

Optimize Your Sharing | Analytics For Social Media -

Optimize Your Sharing | Analytics For Social Media - "Because success depends on an unpredictable combination of factors — channel, time of day, messaging, content… — amasses detailed information and reveals actionable trends. Once you know what works, you can do more of it."

Marni Salup

Marni Salup: "alup innovates and implements strategies that have a proven track record for success, garnering pop culture appeal, generating mainstream awareness, and consumer acquisition resulting in worldwide recognition.

Renowned for identifying and leveraging next-generation platforms for brand cultivation, Salup is also a highly respected media relations expert."

Understanding Changes in the Software & Venture Capital Industries

Understanding Changes in the Software & Venture Capital Industries:

By Mark Suster on June 28, 2011

"Venture capital is in the process of its own creative destruction with new market entrants and new models of innovation at the precise moment that our industry itself is contracting.

I will argue that when the dust settles, although we will have fewer firms, each type well end up more focused on traditional stage segments that cater to the core competencies of that firm."

Editors Note:

Story Warrants A More Comprehensive Treatment, More that just the usual snippet:


The trend of funding anything from the first $25k to funding $50 million at a billion+ valuation is unlikely to last as the skills and style to be effective at all stages are diverse enough to warrant focus.
Original Article Edited For Concise "Digest Type Summary"

Publisher's Note: Nice Find- Today- This Could be some of the Paradigm-Shift Info we have all been looking for. Keep moving forward with this we might pull it out and enlarge upon with our feature!

Okay...Thanks for the two thumbs up, I be careful not to just copy and past the whole thing, and be sure to include liberal link backs and a follow up about piece on the author and the websites which the original piece came from. Editor.


When I built my first company starting in 1999 it cost $2.5 million in infrastructure just to get started and another $2.5 million in team costs to code, launch, manage, market & sell our software. So it’s unsurprising that typical “A rounds” of venture capital were $5-10 million. We had to buy Oracle database licenses, UNIX servers, a Sun Solaris operating system, web servers, load balancers, EMC storage, disk mirrors for redundancy and had to commit to a year-long hosting agreement at places such as Exodus.

Mark Suster

Mark Suster
LinkedIn TwitterFacebook
2x startup Founder & CEO who has gone to the Dark Side of VC. His first company, BuildOnline was sold in 2005, his second, Koral was acquired by and became known as Salesforce Content, while Mark served as VP Product Management. In 2007 Mark joined GRP Partners in 2007 as a General Partner.  He focuses on early-stage technology companies, usually looking at Series A investment, and blogs at the aptly titled Both Sides of the Table.
Readers interested in more about Mark Suster- Suster

 Mark Suster's article: Understanding Changes in the Software & Venture Capital Industries continues;

Open-Source Software & Horizontal Computing
The first major change in our industry was imperceptible to us as an industry. It was driven by the introduction of open-source software, most notably what was called theLAMP stack. Linux (instead of UNIX), Apache (web server software), MySQL (instead of Oracle) and PHP. Of course there were variants – we preferred PostGres to MySQL and many people used other programming languages than PHP.
Open source became a movement – a mentality. Suddenly infrastructure software was nearly free. We paid 10% of the normal costs for the software and that money was for software support. A 90% disruption in cost spawns innovation – believe me.
We also benefitted economically from a move to “horizontal computing.” What this meant was that rather than buying really expensive UNIX servers (and multiple machines in order to handle redundancy) we could buy cheap, replaceable servers for compute resources.
Editors Note: Our Blog will complete our highlights of this excellent commentary as mark starts moving into his commentary on cloud computing as an essential component effectively reducing development costs. We had been seeking out this paradigm-shift information, for we new that open source and cloud computing were part of the equation which Mark Suster ties together very well. I'll just include a both links to the "Two Part Series" and start looking around for the final piece bringing in social media and the changes in how advertising dollars get spent.

Publishers Note: Ok.

These two trends had a major impact on the computing industry from 2000-2005 but the effects weren’t yet felt by the VC industry.
The Emergence of “Open Cloud” Infrastructure 
The biggest change in the software industry beyond open-source was “open cloud.”
When we talk about cloud computing we have to be careful to differentiate between open cloud (services the are provided solely to for the economic purpose of building a cloud business) and the “platform cloud” where certain service providers offer cloud services wrapped around their core product. These are very different.
Platform cloud players like provide compute resources so that third parties can build applications that integrate with its core product. That’s awesome for users of or companies that want to cater to them but less awesome for pure startups that want independence and are really just looking for cloud infrastructure.
Facebook is a “platform cloud” provider, too. That makes both of these amazing companies great channels for startups.

The link above will take you to the complete:

Understanding Changes in the Software & Venture Capital Industries

By Mark Suster on June 28, 2011

 (part 1) of this article that we found on 

There is a also link to the final piece there which is called:

The Coming Brick Wall in Venture Capital & Why This is Good for US Innovation

The link should be embedded in the title.

Microsoft Adds Co-Authoring Support For Online Word App

Microsoft Adds Co-Authoring Support For Online Word App: "collaboration features already available in Word 2010 and Word for Mac 2011, co-authoring in the Word Web App on SkyDrive helps you collaborate with others on polished content without having to leave your web browser. Just sign into SkyDrive and you’re ready to get started!

Our approach to co-authoring in the Word Web App on SkyDrive reflects our team’s deep understanding of how our customers prefer to collaborate and get things done,"

Cisco throws networking into OpenStack cloud | Software, Interrupted - CNET News

Cisco throws networking into OpenStack cloud | Software, Interrupted - CNET News: "start-up IPOs to open-source and cloud software companies. He is CEO and founder of Soba Labs, co-founder of MuleSoft, and serves as managing director for Hardy Way. He is an adviser to DataStax, IT Database, and Puppet Labs. He is a member of the CNET Blog Network and is not an employee of CNET. Disclosure. You can contact Dave via e-mail at"

Researchers Discover Trick to Improve Memory & Focus

Researchers Discover Trick to Improve Memory & Focus: "Age strains everyone’s processing capacity- and as a result, countless Americans are searching for the answer to help them improve, or at least preserve their memories and prevent cognitive decline.
Dealing with memory loss or 'brain fog' can be very difficult for most people. And over time, it can make you irritable, impatient and even hurt your relationships with co-workers, friends, and family."

VMWare Disrupts PaaS Space With Cloud Foundry – An Analysis

VMWare Disrupts PaaS Space With Cloud Foundry – An Analysis: "Whether it is public cloud providers like AWS or Rackspace or GoGrid or private cloud platforms, Cloud Foundry can sit on top of them and offer platform as a service.
Any industry standard programming framework can be used. Even though it is initially offered with Spring Java, Rails, Sinatra and Node.JS, any programming framework can be added to the platform."

VMWare Disrupts PaaS Space With Cloud Foundry – An Analysis

VMWare Disrupts PaaS Space With Cloud Foundry – An Analysis: "Whether it is public cloud providers like AWS or Rackspace or GoGrid or private cloud platforms, Cloud Foundry can sit on top of them and offer platform as a service.
Any industry standard programming framework can be used. Even though it is initially offered with Spring Java, Rails, Sinatra and Node.JS, any programming framework can be added to the platform."

The Open Compute Project: Why Facebook Is Giving Away The Goods

The Open Compute Project: Why Facebook Is Giving Away The Goods: "Facebook can effectively crowdsource its expertise because it leverages a much larger community than they have available to them internally,' said Stephen O'Grady, principal analyst at Redmonk. 'As smart as the Facebook community is, they're not necessarily going to be as smart as the whole rest of the industry, which now has access to this technology.'

Sharing its blueprints may gain Facebook not only free manpower, but cheaper equipment."

The Open Compute Project: Why Facebook Is Giving Away The Goods

The Open Compute Project: Why Facebook Is Giving Away The Goods: "carefully safeguarded the secrets to its hyper-efficient data center, has an army of engineers it can task with improving its servers. On the other hand, Facebook, which is growing but still small -- with several thousand employees to Google's more than 20,000 staffers -- has far more limited means. By opening up its data center designs, Facebook is now able to solicit suggestions from thousands of experts worldwide and potentially tweak its technology quickly with fewer people."

The Open Compute Project: Why Facebook Is Giving Away The Goods

The Open Compute Project: Why Facebook Is Giving Away The Goods: "Open Compute Project, Facebook released designs for the technology powering its new data center in Prineville, Ore., which Facebook says is 38 percent more efficient and 24 percent cheaper to run thanks to its custom engineering.

Facebook framed the effort as a means of encouraging collaboration in the tech industry, advancing 'best practices' in the construction of data centers and upholding its commitment to openness."

About Social Media Examiner | Social Media Examiner

About Social Media Examiner | Social Media Examiner: "free online magazine designed to help businesses discover how to best use social media tools like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to find leads, increase sales and generate more brand awareness. Technorati and AdAge rank us as one of the world’s Top 100 business blogs. Our more than 90,000 email subscribers look forward to our daily original content."

How to Measure Your Facebook Engagement | Social Media Examiner

How to Measure Your Facebook Engagement | Social Media Examiner: "more accurate number of actual views, go to Insights > Interactions > Post Views and that number is the total number of times your content has been viewed by fans and non-fans.

The percent feedback is calculated by taking the total number of comments plus Likes divided by the number of impressions"

How to Measure Your Facebook Engagement | Social Media Examiner

How to Measure Your Facebook Engagement | Social Media Examiner: "impressions is the number of times your content was “rendered in the stream,” which means that your content was displayed on your fan page wall, shown in the news feed of fans, commented on or Liked.

Note that the impressions metric does not equate to an exact number of actual Facebook users;"

How to Measure Your Facebook Engagement | Social Media Examiner

How to Measure Your Facebook Engagement | Social Media Examiner: "What you posted
The number of impressions
The percent feedback
To clarify, impressions is the number of times your content was “rendered in the stream,” which means that your content was displayed on your fan page wall, shown in the news feed of fans, commented on or Liked."

How to Measure Your Facebook Engagement | Social Media Examiner

How to Measure Your Facebook Engagement | Social Media Examiner: "But number of fans isn’t really the full story. You need to track and measure how much your fans are actually consuming, engaging with and sharing your content.

Some studies show that a whopping 90% of Facebook users don’t return to a fan page once they click the Like button. They only see and interact with your content in their news feed"

VentureBeat - powered by FeedBurner

VentureBeat - powered by FeedBurner: "Android tablets are starting to look attractive too. At some point, tablet gaming could be a huge market, disrupting traditional game hardware markets.

With more than 25 million units sold, the iPad has become much larger than a number of other historic game platforms"

Larry Page reorgs Google, ties bonuses to social success | VentureBeat

Larry Page reorgs Google, ties bonuses to social success | VentureBeat: "individual Google business divisions to be more autonomous and nimble. And by tying bonuses to the company’s social efforts, employees have an added incentive to help Google finally succeed at social networking after a string of failures."

About Chris ~ Chris Pirillo

About Chris ~ Chris Pirillo: "Geek, Internet Entrepreneur, Hardware Addict, Software Junkie, Book Author, Once TV Show Host, Technology Enthusiast, Shameless Self-Promoter, Tech Conference Coordinator, Early Adopter, Idea Evangelist, Tech Support Blogger, Bootstrapper, Media Personality, Technology Consultant, Thicker Quicker Picker Upper.

Chris Pirillo has been participating in Internet conversations since 1992, having launched Lockergnome as a content publishing network and building Gnomedex to be one of the blogosphere’s highly regarded conferences."


MacKeeper: "MacKeeper will protect your Mac from spyware, data loss and even theft.

Protect Data on your Mac

MacKeeper will prevent unwanted access to your confidential files.

Optimize your Mac

MacKeeper will boost your Mac's speed and keep your apps up to date."

Comcast 250GB Cap? Avoid Dropbox or Online Backup! ~ Chris Pirillo

Comcast 250GB Cap? Avoid Dropbox or Online Backup! ~ Chris Pirillo: "Recently, I “downgraded” my Comcast service from Business to Residential – largely because I got more speed for less money, and I wasn’t anticipating coming anywhere near the 250GB cap. I hate artificial ceilings, but that’s the price I pay for paying less of a price?

I know I don’t knowingly download 250GB worth of data every month – I’m not THAT hardcore.

However, that 250GB cap is for all transfers (upload AND download) – and it’s not just for email and Web browsing, but everything. EVERYTHING."

Why Don’t Macs Get Viruses? ~ LockerGnome Net Patrol

Why Don’t Macs Get Viruses? ~ LockerGnome Net Patrol: "Here are some tips to help keep you virus-free:

Don’t follow links that contain IP addresses instead of domain names.
Don’t download anything from a site unless you absolutely know and trust it.
Don’t open email with attachments unless you know the sender and you know what and why they’re sending it.
Don’t download pirated software, music, or movies.
Don’t download or install “codecs” to watch videos on sites. If you have Flash, Silverlight, and VLC, you should be covered."

Why Don’t Macs Get Viruses? ~ LockerGnome Net Patrol

Why Don’t Macs Get Viruses? ~ LockerGnome Net Patrol: "his nasty piece of malware had unfettered access to the root of any Mac where it was installed. With this access, it connected systems to a botnet that could be used in DOS (Denial of Service) attacks against the botnet operator’s targets.

In 2007, a trojan horse (OSX.RSPlug.A) made the rounds on porn sites by tricking users in to installing it by claiming it was a required codec to watch videos embedded on the site. This trojan worked by changing the user’s DNS settings in a way that pointed them to malicious phishing sites that look and act a lot like genuine sites such as those hosted by banks and other online services. By doing so, they effectively steal your login information and gain access to whatever account it is you’re logging into."

When Does Venture Debt Make Sense For Your Startup?

When Does Venture Debt Make Sense For Your Startup?: "many entrepreneurs hear the word “debt” and promptly run the other direction. In the past, venture debt was often viewed as a funding vehicle of last resort. When the current investors were tapped out and a bigger fool could not be brought into a venture, all eyes turn towards debt. However, when deployed judiciously, venture debt can mitigate investors’ and founders’ dilution."

Pixelcharmer Fieldnotes

Pixelcharmer Fieldnotes: "Research paradigms
You’re researching topic X. First you decide, “am I interested in research that takes a normative, analytical, interpretive or critical approach?” That narrows your reading list significantly. Base your choice on your goal for reading about topic X (what discipline/community of practice you are in or, if writing something, what your audience is familiar with, combo of the two, etc.)

I should point out that there are other research paradigms than the four I mention. Some disciplines have a few others and some don’t consider a few I listed,"

Under Water Housing for a SLR or DSLR Camera

Under Water Housing for a SLR or DSLR Camera: "Materials:
(1) Water tight box from Wal-Mart (Found in the camping dept.)
(1) Automotive push button switch (auto marine)
(2) 5/8” ID hose washers
(1) 16d nail (stainless would be great if you can find it)
(2) 6” lengths of 1/8” x 1” aluminum angle
(2) ¾” lengths of 1/8” x 1” aluminum angle
(1) 6” length of very small floral wire
(1) 5” hose clamp
(1) Chrome or SS drawer pull (as shown) with screws (cut screws to ½” long)
(4) button head cap screws (ss) ¼”-20 x ¾”
(8) washers to fit above screws (ss)
(4) lock nuts
(4) small rubber washers
(2) large rubber washers
(1) 4” female thread / female slip ABS fitting"

Photography in the Ultraviolet spectrum

Photography in the Ultraviolet spectrum: "fact that glass is NOT opaque to UV in the A and B near-UV bands, but does start attenuating UV-B significantly by 330nm, I think. You can be much more specific by specifying what kinds of glass, etc., for example, flint glass would attenuate more at higher wave lengths, I think, than crown glass, and there are many glass formulations that are different from those in use in today's lenses. Also, the modern coatings, especially on zoom lenses, tend to attenuate UV, so look for simpler 4-5 element prime lenses with minimal coating to photo in UV."

WordPress Expert - Professional Web Developer

WordPress Expert - Professional Web Developer: "WordPress services and solutions for personal and corporate.
We creates highly-customized blogs and blog-powered websites, taking advantage of the robust WordPress platform and fully optimizing it. We regularly recommend this amazing software and now the majority of our clients happily use WordPress.
Ask WordPress Expert to set up a free wordpress development consultation."

Tobias Wong, Designer and Conceptual Artist, Dies at 35 -

Tobias Wong, Designer and Conceptual Artist, Dies at 35 - "A provocateur by nature, Mr. Wong operated at the fringes of the traditional design world, creating objects like a stack of 100 $1 bills, bound in peelable glue like a notepad;"

Easy Mood light

Easy Mood light: "heart of the mood lamp is the colour changing light. Bright LEd systems driven by complex microprocessor systems are detailed elsewhere in instructables but this uses a commercial easily available colour changing LED from if you are in the Uk or search fro colour changing LED or rainbow LED in Ebay or google for your country i am sure you can find them. Here they are £0.56 or so each.

The LED contains a red - Blue - Green LED and a minute microprocessor inside a standard 5mm LED package - IT IS SMALL. All you need is to apply 3 volts to the LED to make it work"

Startup Children – How To Parent An Entrepreneur (Part II)

Startup Children – How To Parent An Entrepreneur (Part II): "Optimistically Pessimistic entrepreneur, Sam never loses hope, and does gives up.

Research – Sam’s persistence is not born of ignorance. He is highly confident that his product will provide value to the Prospect and thus it is his duty to ensure that the Prospect experiences the product’s value first-hand. This resolute attitude is crucial to a salesperson’s ultimate success. You must have enough confidence in your product to push through baseless objections"

Startup Children – How To Parent An Entrepreneur (Part II)

Startup Children – How To Parent An Entrepreneur (Part II): "make something from nothing by sharing with them Marcia Brown’s Stone Soup. There are a number of other children’s books that also serve as good platforms from which you can impart entrepreneurial values and lessons.

One such book comes from a surprising source, the notoriously left-leaning Theodor Geisel, better known as Dr. Seuss. He inadvertently drafted the salesman’s manifesto in the form of Green Eggs and Ham, utilizing 50-different words, 48-of which are one syllable. Not only will your children understand it, it is even accessible by the average salesperson."


MetaGrrrl: "first really stern paring down of my belongings happened in 2002, when I moved to San Francisco, with all the self-focus and self-reinvention that that move usually implies. This is a city which encourages you to be true to yourself and shed your old snakeskins. It was at the end of that year that I invented Discardia. Since then, I've been very consciously evaluating what I have and letting go of what isn't bringing me utility and pleasure."


MetaGrrrl: "I have stuff that dates back through my entire life, and I've got some things from my parents, grandparents, and ancestors further back. I have made big moves – to college, to a year abroad, to Hawaii for six months – but all of those took place when my childhood home was still owned by my folks. That big old Victorian house had plenty of room for me to tuck things away while I was gone"


MetaGrrrl: "Today Discardia hit 500 'likes' on Facebook, which may not sound like a lot, but for a community that actively pares away distractions and which pays attention to hidden costs like having to keep close track of privacy policy changes, it's kind of amazing."

Welcome to GMPG

Welcome to GMPG: "Metamemetics is to create a structure of principles that foster the construction and propagation of elemental ideas. The GMPG attempts to stimulate simplification of virtual substructures and bring people to question established structures and their relationships"

XFN 1.1 profile

XFN 1.1 profile: "Friendship (pick at most one)
Someone you know how to get in touch with. Often symmetric.
Someone who you have exchanged greetings and not much (if any) more — maybe a short conversation or two. Often symmetric.
Someone you are a friend to. A compatriot, buddy, home(boy|girl) that you know. Often symmetric.
Someone who you have actually met in person. Symmetric.

Would you consider a stock investor who bootstraps themselves from a small amount of capital (< $10,000) to a sustainable personal income (> $60,000/year) to be an entrepreneur? - Quora

Would you consider a stock investor who bootstraps themselves from a small amount of capital (< $10,000) to a sustainable personal income (> $60,000/year) to be an entrepreneur? - Quora: "a small amount of capital (< $10,000) to a sustainable personal income (> $60,000/year) to be an entrepreneur?

John Greathouse, Entrepreneur, Investor, Professor & F...
Sure - my definition of an entrepreneur is someone who 'identifies an opportunity and then exploits it.'"

Do Not Seek Your Fortune, Create It: How The Three Little Pigs, Illiterate Miners and Pink Floyd Guided One Entrepreneur’s Journey

Do Not Seek Your Fortune, Create It: How The Three Little Pigs, Illiterate Miners and Pink Floyd Guided One Entrepreneur’s Journey: "The last thing I wanted to do was, “miss the starting gun.” I was also determined to not, “kick around on a piece of ground in my hometown.”"

John Greathouse’s Bio

John Greathouse’s Bio: "executive positions with successful startups over a period of more than fifteen years. He has repeatedly been one of the very first businesspeople hired, helping build large businesses from the ground up, with an emphasis on market engagement and scalable customer acquisition.

At Computer Motion, John served as CFO and VP of Business Development. Computer Motion was a pioneer in the surgical robotics industry, went public in 1997 and was subsequently acquired by Intuitive Surgical for $148 million."

Do Not Seek Your Fortune, Create It: How The Three Little Pigs, Illiterate Miners and Pink Floyd Guided One Entrepreneur’s Journey

Do Not Seek Your Fortune, Create It: How The Three Little Pigs, Illiterate Miners and Pink Floyd Guided One Entrepreneur’s Journey: "entrepreneurs are born rather than created by their environment. However, one’s environment clearly has an impact on a person’s ultimate career path. In looking back on my childhood"

Friday, July 15, 2011

The Google+ Project

The Google+ Project: "Information we collect and how it is shared

The Google +1 button is a way for you to share information publicly with the world. The Google +1 button helps you and others receive personalized content from Google and our partners. The fact that you +1’d something will be recorded by Google, along with information about the page you were viewing when you clicked on the +1 button"

Facebook Public Profile Statuses Officially Become Public

Facebook Public Profile Statuses Officially Become Public: "public profile status updates can now be accessed through the developer API. Andy Young, the developer behind Selective Twitter Status, was the first developer that we’ve seen to figure out a way to update public profile statuses via Twitter. Earlier today his application added a feature which now enables any Twitter user to update their public profile directly."

Affiliates - Prosperent

Affiliates - Prosperent: "Are you ready for something new? For years affiliates and publishers have spent countless hours trying to monetize their traffic and content. Conventional industry standards have left affiliates with little to work with and promise no innovation. But what if there was something easier, something that worked dynamically and automatically?"

admin - How can I take back my creator status on a facebook page/group? - Stack Overflow

admin - How can I take back my creator status on a facebook page/group? - Stack Overflow: "Subject is about my creator status! I gave admin rights to my friends and I left the group. After I joined again to group, my friend gave admins rigths to me but now I am not have creator status. I wonder that is there any way to take back it? thanks.."

Don't give up on grand bargain on debt -

Don't give up on grand bargain on debt - "short of a 'grand bargain' -- which would include roughly $4 trillion in savings and fix the most broken parts of the budget, including entitlement programs and the tax system -- is not that great a comfort at all.
This is not supposed to be who we are: a country fighting over whether to pay our bills, being scolded by rating agencies --including in China -- and on track to leave a shredded economy to the next generation because we spent years on a spending spree without paying the bills."

Don't give up on grand bargain on debt -

Don't give up on grand bargain on debt - "short of a 'grand bargain' -- which would include roughly $4 trillion in savings and fix the most broken parts of the budget, including entitlement programs and the tax system -- is not that great a comfort at all.
This is not supposed to be who we are: a country fighting over whether to pay our bills, being scolded by rating agencies --including in China -- and on track to leave a shredded economy to the next generation because we spent years on a spending spree without paying the bills."

How To Take Our Country Back [1/3]

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