Autoblog 5.0

Monday, July 23, 2012

Theater shooting unfolds in real time on social media -

Theater shooting unfolds in real time on social media - "the shootings early Friday morning at a late-night showing in Aurora, Colorado, of the Batman movie "The Dark Knight Rises," in which 12 people were killed and dozens more were injured. All three people who were quoted above appear to have been in the theater complex when a heavily armed gunman opened fire on moviegoers, according to police."

'via Blog this'

Publisher's Note, New items such as this have there place in what needs to be some sort of refocus on what exactly is happening in one of the most "Democratic and Free Nations" of the world. While it is definitely difficult to ever make sense of any of this sort of random acts of violence, it is still useful to try to get a bead on why sometimes people "go postal".

I don't have the answers, I just hope we keep asking the questions.

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