Autoblog 5.0

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Kauffman Foundation Study Finds More than Half of Fortune 500 Companies Were Founded in Recession or Bear Market

Kauffman Foundation Study Finds More than Half of Fortune 500 Companies Were Founded in Recession or Bear Market: ""The Economic Future Just Happened," found that more than half of the companies on the 2009 Fortune 500 list were launched during a recession or bear market, along with nearly half of the firms on the 2008 Inc. list of America’s fastest-growing companies. The report also suggests a broader economic trend, with job creation from startup companies proving to be less volatile and sensitive to downturns when compared to the overall economy.

"You can see the story of the American economy in these numbers," said Carl Schramm, president and CEO of the Kauffman Foundation. "History has demonstrated this time and again: new firms create new jobs and fuel our economy. Policies that support entrepreneurship support recovery.""

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