Autoblog 5.0

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Entrepreneurship at the Kauffman Foundation

Entrepreneurship at the Kauffman Foundation: "ntrepreneurship brought me from a state of childhood poverty to a life of philanthropy. And just as my own experience as an entrepreneur reaped rewards I never imagined, I believe embracing entrepreneurship will enable nations to mak"

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Entrepreneurship: The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics | Library of Economics and Liberty

Entrepreneurship: The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics | Library of Economics and Liberty: "An entrepreneur is someone who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise. An entrepreneur is an agent of change. Entrepreneurship is the process of discovering new ways of combining resources. When the market value generated by this new combination of resources is greater than the market value these resources can generate elsewhere individually or in some other combination, the entrepreneur makes a profit. An entrepreneur who takes the resources necessary to produce a pair of jeans that can be sold for thirty dollars and instead turns them into a denim backpack that sells for fifty dollars will earn a profit by increasing the value those resources create."

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Creative Destruction: The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics | Library of Economics and Liberty

Creative Destruction: The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics | Library of Economics and Liberty: "Technology roils job markets, as Schumpeter conveyed in coining the phrase “technological unemployment” (Table 1). E-mail, word processors, answering machines, and other modern office technology have cut the number of secretaries but raised the ranks of programmers. The birth of the Internet spawned a need for hundreds of thousands of webmasters, an occupation that did not exist as recently as 1990. LASIK surgery often lets consumers throw away their glasses, reducing visits to optometrists and opticians but increasing the need for ophthalmologists. Digital cameras translate to fewer photo clerks."

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Creative Destruction: The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics | Library of Economics and Liberty

Creative Destruction: The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics | Library of Economics and Liberty: "Americans benefited as horses and mules gave way to cars and airplanes, but all this creation did not come without destruction. Each new mode of transportation took a toll on existing jobs and industries. In 1900, the peak year for the occupation, the country employed 109,000 carriage and harness makers. In 1910, 238,000 Americans worked as blacksmiths. Today, those jobs are largely obsolete. After eclipsing canals and other forms of transport, railroads lost out in competition with cars, long-haul trucks, and airplanes. In 1920, 2.1 million Americans earned their paychecks working for railroads, compared with fewer than 200,000 today."

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Alphabet & ABC Blocks

Alphabet & ABC Blocks: "- Click here to contact Oldfashionedblocks by email
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Toll-Free 800.962.6785
8:00AM - 4:30PM Eastern Time
Monday - Friday and most Saturdays

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Alphabet & ABC Blocks

Alphabet & ABC Blocks: "Our alphabet blocks measure a full 2 1/2 inches and are constructed of durable Hard Maple from the forests of the Northeast.
Our alphabet blocks are "Made in the USA" By New England Craftsmen.
Our alphabet blocks come in four colors with an assortment of alphabet letters, numbers, math symbols and classic antique animal shapes.
Our alphabet blocks are silk screened and the screened images are then protected by two coats of high gloss, child safe, lacquer finish..
Our alphabet blocks can be purchased individually or in sets. Individual blocks of your choice to spell out a child's name make an ideal gift item and the 27 piece or 78 piece sets are favorite toddler toys for stacking and building."

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Unit Blocks Set - Block Set 401

Unit Blocks Set - Block Set 401: "56 Total Unit Block Pieces in 15 Different Unit Block Shapes

Unit Blocks Set No. 401 is available for $109.00

Unit Blocks Set No. 401


                                                 Could these be the building blocks of our the

Unit Blocks Set No. 401 Includes:
Unit Blocks 8
Half Unit Blocks 8
Double Unit Blocks 2
Roman Arch Blocks 1
Roman Arch Door Blocks 1
Half Arch Blocks 1
Half Arch Buttress Blocks 1
Unit Triangle Blocks 4
Half Unit Triangle Blocks 4
Unit Column Blocks 4
Half Unit Column Blocks 4
Ramp Blocks 2
Unit Pillar Blocks 8
Half Unit Pillar Blocks 6
Quarter Circle Blocks 2
Total Unit Block Pieces 56

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Unit Blocks Set - Block Set 400

Unit Blocks Set - Block Set 400: "Unit Blocks Set No. 400 Includes:

Unit Blocks 10
Half Unit Blocks 4
Roman Arch Blocks 1
Roman Arch Door Blocks 1
Half Arch Blocks 1
Half Arch Buttress Blocks 1
Unit Triangle Blocks 2
Half Unit Triangle Blocks 2
Unit Column Blocks 2
Half Unit Column Blocks 2
Unit Pillar Blocks 4
Half Unit Pillar Blocks 4
Quarter Circle Blocks 2
Total Pieces 36

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Kauffman Foundation Study Finds More than Half of Fortune 500 Companies Were Founded in Recession or Bear Market

Kauffman Foundation Study Finds More than Half of Fortune 500 Companies Were Founded in Recession or Bear Market: ""The Economic Future Just Happened," found that more than half of the companies on the 2009 Fortune 500 list were launched during a recession or bear market, along with nearly half of the firms on the 2008 Inc. list of America’s fastest-growing companies. The report also suggests a broader economic trend, with job creation from startup companies proving to be less volatile and sensitive to downturns when compared to the overall economy.

"You can see the story of the American economy in these numbers," said Carl Schramm, president and CEO of the Kauffman Foundation. "History has demonstrated this time and again: new firms create new jobs and fuel our economy. Policies that support entrepreneurship support recovery.""

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When To Bail On Bailing Out.

The article quoted on one of my other blogs;

Schmupeter argued that this was an essential strength of the American economy: economic destruction breeds creative success. From The Library of Economics and Liberty:

Schumpeter was among the first to lay out a clear concept of entrepreneurship. He distinguished inventions from the entrepreneur’s innovations.

Schumpeter pointed out that entrepreneurs innovate not just by figuring out how to use inventions, but also by introducing new means of production, new products, and new forms of organization. These innovations, he argued, take just as much skill and daring as does the process of invention.

Innovation by the entrepreneur, argued Schumpeter, leads to gales of “creative destruction” as innovations cause old inventories, ideas, technologies, skills, and equipment to become obsolete.

I agree, and I have already amplified this unique viewpoint and perspective.

The Diverse Forces of Capitalism Itself is What Has Created the Current Global Economic Collapse, however it is the current processes by which the US government in particular exercises in its "selective aid' by way of tax breaks, bailouts and/or other such incentives, to industries or financial companies which perhaps should have gone under.

When the US government as an entity views; lets say certain US auto manufacturers, for example, as important infrastructure for a healthy US economy solely because they are employers;

"regardless of weather or not their products are; well designed, economical to own and operate, or competitive with other products manufactured elsewhere that are perhaps of better quality, at lower costs to own and operate"

I use this example to illustrate a point, not necessarily stating that specific companies in the US auto industry should not have been bailed out. Rather I use this example to point a very important "missed opportunity" on the part of the US government.
If the US Government was actually going to respond to a privately held company's request for a bailout (a move towards socialism) it should have attached the kind of purse strings effectively guaranteeing that this public expendenture of funds would be successful, or at least move the nation into a more sustainable product, such electric cars that would run without using gasoline as its primary fuel source.

Stephen C. Sanders, first draft of a longer upcoming article. 

Entrepreneurial silver lining in today’s economic clouds at Navigating Venture

Entrepreneurial silver lining in today’s economic clouds at Navigating Venture: "Schmupeter argued that this was an essential strength of the American economy: economic destruction breeds creative success. From The Library of Economics and Liberty:

Schumpeter was among the first to lay out a clear concept of entrepreneurship. He distinguished inventions from the entrepreneur’s innovations. Schumpeter pointed out that entrepreneurs innovate not just by figuring out how to use inventions, but also by introducing new means of production, new products, and new forms of organization. These innovations, he argued, take just as much skill and daring as does the process of invention.

Innovation by the entrepreneur, argued Schumpeter, leads to gales of “creative destruction” as innovations cause old inventories, ideas, technologies, skills, and equipment to become obsolete."

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